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Founded in 2022, Boon is a technology company that brings together artificial intelligence and human intelligence to create Beneficial Intelligence. Our focus is to use cutting edge data science and behavioural science techniques to answer complex questions about human behaviour. We work with risk and crisis firms, strategy consultancies, non-profits, and government entities to solve business and societal challenges. At our core, we are a company founded on the premise that data can be used for social good, and we take on as many projects as possible aligned with that mission.
The founding team at Boon has 25+ years of experience in computational behavioural science, disinformation, behavioural strategy, and content development across three continents. Currently a small but mighty world-class team of 10 distributed across London, The Netherlands and Denmark, we are profound believers in the ability of a group of intelligent, empowered and collaborative people to create amazing things.
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